As a good Prince2 Practitioner should I have written a Project Plan for my CMS (CMDB) project (project geek).
Covering off the Project Owner, Stakeholders and resources involved.
As well as the Description, Prerequisites and External Dependencies I also included 'Lessons Incorporated'!
Lets face it, there are more failed CMDBs then there are successful CMDBs, they fail for many reasons.
* lack of senior management buy-in
* lack of clear ownership and responsibility
* Forcing analysts to use a centralised database with no buy-in
* High Administration resource
* Low Budget
* Garbage in Garbage out
* and there are more...
So a successful plan would aim to address all these failures, with one exception the Budget, money is tight and always will be.
To update on the information that will be collected from an Infrastructure CMDB, whats been included are:
* Host Name
* Environment - Prod, Standby Prod, Test, Dev...
* Manufacturer and Model
* Asset ID
* Serial Number
* IP Address / Subnet / Default Gateway
* Location
* OS and OS Version
* Local Disk and Partitions'
* Memory Size
* CPU - manufactures model
* Installation Date
* Last Change Date
Provide live information of the status of the Configuration Item, such as OK, Warning and Down.
Clearly this data is limited to an IT Server Configuration Item, however it is a good place to start.
I have given a 1 month schedule to provide a Draft version ready for UAT testing, plus a further 2 weeks til Final Quality Check is completed.
Watch This Space.
- Eric
Covering off the Project Owner, Stakeholders and resources involved.
As well as the Description, Prerequisites and External Dependencies I also included 'Lessons Incorporated'!
Lets face it, there are more failed CMDBs then there are successful CMDBs, they fail for many reasons.
* lack of senior management buy-in
* lack of clear ownership and responsibility
* Forcing analysts to use a centralised database with no buy-in
* High Administration resource
* Low Budget
* Garbage in Garbage out
* and there are more...
So a successful plan would aim to address all these failures, with one exception the Budget, money is tight and always will be.
To update on the information that will be collected from an Infrastructure CMDB, whats been included are:
* Host Name
* Environment - Prod, Standby Prod, Test, Dev...
* Manufacturer and Model
* Asset ID
* Serial Number
* IP Address / Subnet / Default Gateway
* Location
* OS and OS Version
* Local Disk and Partitions'
* Memory Size
* CPU - manufactures model
* Installation Date
* Last Change Date
Provide live information of the status of the Configuration Item, such as OK, Warning and Down.
Clearly this data is limited to an IT Server Configuration Item, however it is a good place to start.
I have given a 1 month schedule to provide a Draft version ready for UAT testing, plus a further 2 weeks til Final Quality Check is completed.
Watch This Space.
- Eric