Monday, October 5, 2009


Still looking for work, have been doing temp work for a quator of the amount I should be on... it is all very draining.

I must apply for work everyday

Does anyone know anything about Google AdSence? or shouldn't I bother with it?




  1. I just wanted to wish you luck with your job search. As far as Google Adsense, it's a slow go. I've been at blogging steadily for 3 months and I've amassed a total of $3.91 as of today. Yet, with every penny, I get excited. I'm not one to ask people to click on ads, I'd rather just let it happen. Slow as it is! I have confidence that it'll happen. You should too!!! Good luck again. I really like your site. Happy blogging! Diane

  2.'s looking at yr blog..we met on twitter..hope u are employed soon..have u tried selling on ebay or amazon.i thought of doing so too..u have a large following on twitter and thats market for u i guess if u intend to sell..just a suggestion while u r searching for employment..all the best and good luck..visit my blog if u have time..



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