Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New baby girl

I am once again the proud father of a new baby girl.

Emerson Riley, she was born on Sunday the 24th at a respectful time of the morning at 9:21am after a 2 hour labour. We were all home for lunch that same day.

Mum, Baby and the family are all well.

Monday, April 18, 2011

KCS - I'm in a course today

Just in case anyone (all 2 of your were wondering) I'm on a course today and tomorrow.

The course I am doing is call Knowledge Centered Support (KCS)
Here is the Wikipedia blurb about KCS

Following this course I'll continue my analysis of the Service Management tool I will be using for CMS, then gather feedback from stakeholders of the information they would like to see from the CMS reports.

As for KCS that is another project I have been charged with, if you have ever been interested in implementing a dynamic knowledgebase then watch this space.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CMS - Where to start?

Where to start?

A simple but effective business plan would be to follow 3 simple steps
1. Ask what your customers/users want
2. Build it
3. Give it to them

So I will keep it very simple and just start with Step 1:
“Ask the benefactors of the CMS database what is it that they want to see from it?”

Who are the benefactors?
• Change and Release Management
• Configuration Management
• Incident and Problem Management
• Capacity Management
• Availability Management
• Event Management
• Knowledge Management
• Project Management
• Technical Support Teams
• Development Teams
• Financial Management
• Business stakeholders for reports generated from the CMS
• And several more…

What should I ask?
• What do you have now that is important to your function?
• What would you like to see that could improve what you have now?

First I better work out what the CMDB tool that I will be using can actually produce, rather not get into a scenario of over promising and under delivering. Even if what the CMS has to offer is far better than the current state.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Starting a New Project

I'm about to start a new project.

To provide some background, I am in IT Service Management (manager of computer services stuff), I write procedures and flow charts on how to best do a job that will produce an outcome that the business would be interested in knowing.

The project I am about to start brings together as many procedures and functions via their exsisting databases into a single database, for easy access and consolidated reporting... bored already?

If you are still reading then you might know of what I am talking about.
I am implementing a CMS (Configuration Management System) made up of at least 3 databases (CMDBs - Configuration Management Databases).

I am going to use a central Service Management tool that currently handles the Incident Management, Problem Management and Known Errors Database procedures, to act as the CMS interface of the multiple CMDBs, this will of course allow my Service Desk to easily link Incidents to CIs and Known Errors in the CMDB.

Once the CMS has been implemented I will then implement Change Management and Request Fulfilment Management into the same Service Management tool.

However this is looking like a very large elephant to me, does anyone have any suggestions, templates or checklists to getting started on this momentous task?

- If you are interested in this type of subject I will post regular updates on my progress.

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